Harry Potter Theme Park
It is a glorious day for Potter fans everywhere. J.K. Rowling announced there will be a Harry Potter theme park opening in 2009 in Orlando, Florida. This is the website where the BBC reports on the park:
I heard about this a little while ago. I think it is going to be at Universal. I heard they will have the actual potion used to turn Hermione into a fur ball. Oh, looks like Brittany must have had an advanced pass.
One thing to say brittany, SURE BUUUUUUUUDY!
Is there anyone who can lend me a warlock's robe? I don't want to show up with the wrong outfit. That would be humiliating. Oh, wait never mind. Just going to the this theme park would be humiliating
You have already humiliate yourself Lord Baldemort. You aren't allowed into the park. There are magical protections against your Baldemort ways.
Nice burn no Tom Britt but you forgot cite jason for use of Baldemort.
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