Thursday, June 21, 2007

Corrections and

Let me just start out by saying, I never claimed to be the Insult King. I never even really claimed to have been the author of most of these names or quotes. I seek not for my own glory, but only to pull down the pride of those who seek to glut themselves on the merits of others. For the time being, we will focus only on Chris, seeing how Jason is not able to defend himself.
Let's look at Chris's so-called ability to make up nicknames.

10% Genuine Wit
30% Theivery
50% Misapplication of material by The Chrisite minions
10% Longevity (Chris has been insulting longer than anyone; therefore, he has more names)

Lets examine his "facts"

1) Who cares if Quin could talk when the name was started. Does it really matter that we started the name, and then during the course of the name calling, she then learned to talk.
2) Chris's claim that the name lasted so long. I have been called buck for 15 years, cased closed.
3) Chris claims the name couldn't have been made up in a matter of days. Since when does it take months to make a witty comment about someone's appereance.
4) Quin's hair wasn't long enough at Christmas time.

I must come clean about my original argument. It's true that the name was not made up at Christmas. It was discovered when I stayed in UT before my mission. I was indeed the author of this name. I chose to hide my identity at first because as I stated before, I look not to glorify myself but to disband the glory hungry Chrisites.

Too long has Chris been given credit for names simply because nobody can remember who actually originated them. Why do we listen to Chris's number one minion, Phil? He was on his mission during this time.
Chris and the members of his faction have changed their stories and the "facts" surrounding this event so many times. Why are they considered credible witnesses?
Chris the master manipulator:
Chris's main tactic when claiming knowledge for a particular story or event is to bend to whatever new memory has surfaced. He will never break or come clean with his story, he simply bends to the will of the crowd. He gets backing from his loyal fanclub and has them publish slanderous filth towards his accusers, trying to intimidate the accusers into submisison.

Instead of allowing this matter to linger in litigation for months, I will offer Chris a plea bargin. He may take claim on the name "beatle" while I take sole possesion of "Ringo." This is most generous of me considering Chris founded neither name. I now consider the Ringo matter closed. Please be advised from this point on, anyone to make claim upon the name Ringo will be subject to copy right infringment, thank you.
Sorry for the long entry, this needed to be said.


Nancy Clark said...

Tom - I'm pretty sure that you are a member of the "Chrisites" whenever we play Scattergories and Chris tries to get everyone to "down" a perfectly good answer which I have submitted (Rudy Rudiger not an athlete????)

phillyz said...

I have no allegiance to Chris, I only go by the numbers, Chris has single handedly out insulted the rest of us combined nearly doubling our output. It's obvious he is the King. As far a Ringo is concerned his argument is backed by facts and seems to be tighter.

Lord Baldemort said...

I don't recall this athlete debate. Phil, you are the one who selected the names, almost all old and outdated. Not to mention quite a few are not surprisingly misapplied. You even gave credit to chris with names YOU made up. For shame, you chrisite robber.

Lord Baldemort said...

P.S. Actually, Rudy is ironically known for being UNathletic...hmmmm debatable for sure

The Donkey said...

I have never changed my story. I only claim that the Quinny Ringo comment was made in the house. It sounds like someone else has a case of the story changes. I offer you no plea bargain and sentence you to public humiliation. We will decide your fate since every person claims it was me and no one has taken credit. Well, I guess you actually made a last ditch effort by suddenly taking credit. I retain the credit for Beatle and Ringo. You owe me $45 for the unauthorized use of these words in your post. You have been disgraced. Shame to your name you louse.

Lou said...
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Lou said...

ok...i forgot that tom lived in the mullet apartments before his mission, and it would have had to been around that time frame someone called her ringo because in pg she didn't have any. soooo i have to admit i mucked it all up im not sure who said it cuz now i think it's very possible tom did

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like we have a clear case of mental instability, the Bald Eagle and Chrisyfurless are suffering from delusions - both of them creating fantasy worlds that suit their need to create an origin of this story and they are sucking innocents into their worlds of choas and confusion. Escape while you still can!