Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Clark Family Blog is Finally Up

This site is available for all of us to use to keep the family updated on events in our lives. It will archive posts by month, so it will be like a family journal. You can add photos, text, or anything else that would be interesting to us. Keep it appropriate and lively. No boring garbage. The blog is currently set up to only grant access to users with logins. We can change this later if we find it too constrictive.


phillyz said...

look who's telling us to keep it appropriate--- Dirty Bird!!!!!

Lou said...

im pretty sure its nancy who started this blog....kudos! thanks for doing this nancy or to anyone else who did....i read about this new supplement you can take that doesn't just make you poo....but have DIARREA!!! im going to stock up..its called ALI or something