Sunday, June 24, 2007

Family Fast

I think we should fast as a family more often. This month I think we should do a family fast for Phil, so he can find a job. What do you all think? I think we should fast for Tom next.


Brittany said...

I will fast for Phil to get a job. But if you want to fast for Tom to get hair or a girlfriend, I will not.

Gump said...

ok when are we fasting?

The Donkey said...

Fasting always works. We can do it next week. Unlike Brittany, I am willing to fast so Tom can get more hair. I can also shave people who have their fair share of hair and give it to Tom. You might call me Robin Hood for the bald.

Lord Baldemort said...

Chris, I think you are more like Robin Hood of joke stealing. Except you don't give jokes to the needy you give them to yourself. I will fast for Phil's job sitiuation and his health. Let's face it the guy need all the help he can get in that department.

phillyz said...

thank you guys, I think fasting as a family for various needs is an excellent idea.