Monday, October 15, 2007


I was telling people about our family and somehow the fact that we all have a millions nicknames came up. I honestly couldn't remember them all, so please help.
(Don't add the nicknames in the comment section just go to the dashboard and add or change nicknames from editing the post)
1. Donkey, Lampwick, Douglas, Onkey, Pixie, Spright, Worlds Stongets Boy, Topher, Crittifier
2. Cheesesteak, Phillz, Helmet, BW, Roid Rage, Cream Cheese, Poodie Bear
3. Pizzaman, fro, afro, Puff, Eddy Rebel, Moose, Peeper, Bunny
4. Tooth, Baldemort, Cactamus Prime, Lord Baldemort, Don Prickles, Cactus- Prickles, Cactumus Prime, Cactumus Primate-Monke, Chuck,Bucky Ohare-BuckTooth Mahoney, Rabbit, Hollywood, Johnny Cage, Dust Mite, Mur Bear, Angale?
5. Elvis, Nelvin, Underwear man, Goofball, Mr. Wrinkles, Side Burns, Hound Dog, King, Muffin
6. Stash, Mustachio,Varuca, Rattigan, street rat, Splinter, Cera, Kitty, Itty Bitty
7. Homer, Head, Homer, Sausage Nips, Pepperoni Pec, Brotworst breast, Jub, King Kong Bundy, Dancing Homer, CJ ?
8. Lu, Googels, Peanut
9. Gump, Henry, Happy, gumpy/gumperton/gumper/, Henry, Lumiere, Bleacher creature, Danna Bannana?
11. Q, Q Ball, Ringo
12. (Dad) Red Beard, Buzzard, Pa Dukes, Troll
13. (Mom) Ma Beagle, Sid V
I updated the list using more nicknames from Phil previouse blog, but there are more nicknames out there. What are they? What does Katty and Quinn call Britt, dad, and Lou? What is Katty's nickname?


Anonymous said...

i already did this as one of the first posts on the blog, if you refer back to the beginning of the blog you will see my comprhensive list.

Recondo said...

I thought i remembered it, but was it all the names?

Recondo said...

I just checked it I don't remembering looking at that list. I'll have to print it out and show it to people asking about it. There are a lot of nicknames that are missing. There are also a lot of nicknames that I am not sure how they originated.

Anonymous said...

as family historian i am happy to research the origins of all names and am sure i can identify the origins. please tell me what names to add to the list

Anonymous said...

I know the small girls call Brittany "Kitty." I think Tom needs to be referred to as "Bald Chimp."

Brittany said...

Actually, outsider anonymous it is Kitten. Also, what is this Cera? I have never heard this name before. Are you trying to start something new...whoever posted that?

Anonymous said...

You guys forgot the early names: Tophy, crittifer, Poodie bear, phoodie, peeper, bunny, mur & mur bear, angel, muffin, muff muff, itty bitty, cj, lou lou, danna bananna

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Cera (I can get my own green food) Lindsey's nickname and Brittany's was Baruka? They were popular around the same time.

Anonymous said...

i bet peeper was tom

Anonymous said...

No it was Peter