Sunday, October 7, 2007

Conference Sunday (and a surprise visitor!)

We had our traditional conference brunch between sessions.
Chris had all three griddles running, and managed to trip the circuit breaker multiple timesLook who showed up at our doorstep to crash the party!! Welcome back Lou!
Be sure to beg her for your Hawaiian souvenir; she had so much stuff she couldn't decide what to do with all of it!


Lord Baldemort said...

We only had one griddle running, but when Phil showed up we had to fire up two more just for him so we could stay caught up with the food production

Recondo said...

I heard Phil ate the griddle. I wish I was out there with you fools.

Anonymous said...

look at the picture with all of us at the table. it looks like i just took tom's food and he is sulking, that is actually what happened

The Donkey said...

Look at Lindsey: Buttery Bistro!