Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Your input is requested

Nan has been harassing me to buy her a Treo. This is like a phone, but it has email and PDA capabilities. I think it is pretty expensive: $300 for the phone and $63/month for the plan. That's over $750/year! I know it sounds crazy, but she has some justifications. Please read her argument and cast your vote on my blog.


phillyz said...

I think she made very good arguments for having the device, but the monthly charge seems too excessive for the conveniences. However $300 for a phone and PDA doesn't seem too steep. Nancy you should have just listed things that would have benefited Chris and then he would be cooperative.

Recondo said...

I don't know why she would have to justify purchasing it with, unless you would have to do the same. If she wants it she should get it, but I will vote no, because I don't believe technology in this form will help people in the way the think. I feel many devices are distracting and cause less social interaction. For those people with no self control devices like this treo will cause car accidents, less verbal communication, and avoidence from people around them. One only needs to look at Tom or Dan to see the ill effects of using such devices. Tom would constantally be texting or talking on the phone. But like I said if she wants who cares what the Donkey says.

Nancy Clark said...

Of course Chris would also have to justify a purchase like this; neither of us would ever spend this kind of money without deciding together--we just happen to be inviting a few more people to help us debate the topic. The question of this technology being helpful for me is not even up for debate. There is no way the device will not be helpful; I have the right personality type, and I know plenty of people who successfully use these devices as part of a successful organization system (and not for texting). I already keep track of everything on the computer, so it is just a matter of being able to access information remotely and quickly, instead of having to copy down ideas, lists and addresses onto paper whenever I need to run out the door, call anyone, or do anything.

The Donkey said...

Obviosuly handheld devices increase productivity when used properly. I am not sure if companies would invest the money if they didn't add some value. However, I don't know if suburban supermom needs one. It is true that she could enter receipts, addresses, etc straight into the handheld and sync up to our home computer, but is it worth $63/month? I don't think so

phillyz said...

i like pizza