Works Cited
Due to continual controversy and arguing over who is the founder of nicknames in our family I decided to put together a works cited page. it seems that some are feeling slighted that they are not getting proper recognition for the hard work and effort they put into degrading and humiliating their siblings. I felt this injustice should not go on any longer. One complaintant said that too often credit for making up names and insults goes undeservedly to Chris and Jason- from the list I compiled you will all see that this complaint certainly has merit. feel free to challenge or clarify any errors that you may think you find. I can only go by my best recollection or the common traditions handed down by our forefathers. please make a reference properly citing the author of these names when using them. thank you for your cooperation. Please feel free to add any that i left out. i tried to only include common ones although i know there are more obscure ones they aren't used enough to merit a reference. I have also included approximate dates which are open to revision, but it would be inappropriate to cite our sources without a date of reference
Clark Insult Works Cited
Pa Dukes- Chris 1994
Red Beard- Chris 1993
Buzz/Buzzard - Chris 1994
Troll- Chris 1993
Ma Beagle- Chris 1999 (the use of this name is strongly discouraged since mom thinks it references a dog and not the notorious cartoon criminal we all know)
Sid V/ Siddy V/ etc.- Chris 1998 (again use of this name is not recommended in the presence of mom as she references it to the serial killer, also lets not forget the brilliant use of this name by one Jason Clark during a game of mafia)
Onkey- hybrid of donkey originator unknown 1985
Donkey- Ron 1990
Doug- Tom 1993
Lampwick- Pete? 1992
Pixie- Jason 2004
nantheman- Jason 1999
Cream cheese- Chris 1988
BW/Bed wetter/ b-dub- Chris 1986
Roid Rage- Chris 1995
Cheesesteak- Chris 1999
Helmet Head/ Lord Helmet- Jason 2002
brazilian monkey- Jason 2005
Puff/Pufferton/ Puffer- Jason (really these all spawned from Afro Puff founded by Chris)2000
Pizzaman- Chris 2001
Afro/afro puff- Chris 1992
Ed rebel- Chris 1990
Moose/Moose on the loose - Chris 1995
The funny joke song- Tom/Jason 2002
navajo- Jason 1999
Chag- Phil 2002
Lord Baldemort- Jason 2006
Don Prickles- Jason 2006
Cactus- Prickles- Jason 2005
Cactumus Prime- Jason 2006
Cactumus Primate- Chris 2007
Monkey/Primate- Chris 2006
Chuck- Chris 1989
Bucky Ohare- Chris 1989
Buck- Chris 1989
Tooth Mahoney- Chris 1992
Rabbit- Chris 1989
Hollywood- Jason 2003
Johnny Cage- Jason 2003
Dust Mite- Phil 2003
Greeser/Greese/Greesy- Chris 1990
Goof/goofball- Mike/Jason (Mike was the founder of the term but Jason applied it to him) 2001
Mr. Wrinkles- Jason 2001
Sure Buddy- Mike- originator 1999 (however Jason is the major innovator of this saying)
Sideburns/Sideburns McCoy - Chris 1991
King - Chris 1990
Elvis/Hound dog - Chris 1990
Mustachio- Chris 1999
Varuca- Chris 1988
Rattigan/street rat/etc. Chris 1993
Splinter - Chris 1989
Homer- Tom 1995
Sausage Nips/ Pepperoni Pecs/ Brotworst breasts/ any other nipple name Phil/Tom/Chris/Jason 2002
Jub - Phil 2003
King Kong Bundy - Phil 1990
Lou Lou- Chris 1992
Google/Googly- Pete 1998
Gump/gumpy/gumperton/gumper/etc- Jason 1999
Henry- Chris 1994
Lumiere- Jason 2004
Happy- Chris 1994
Bleacher creature- Jason 2005
Ringo- Chris 2003
total names/catch phrases= 42
with over 90% of the total names and insults attributed to them(Chris 30) (Jason 19) Chris and Jason are certainly the fathers of insults. if you follow the timeline it is amazing to see how Chris ruled the 80's and 90's and seems to have passed the torch to his protege, Jason, in the 21st century.
Lets just say there will be strong evidence in the near future debunking this nonsense. They only thing Chris passed to Jason was the ability to steal and take credit for others ideas. I'm thinking about staring a patent office if anyone wants to patent ideas, jokes, stories, inventions, ect. you can speak to me privately. Oh boy, I only hope I can patent my patent idea before Jason or Chris tries to steal it.
There is no evidence at all you bald chimp. I want to make a few corrections. Dad made up the donkey name around 1990. The name should be Lord Baldemort, not just Baldemort. Let's give him some credit. Also, I believe Moose should be added to Pete and I would like credit given. I believe that was 1995 or so. I will make edits to the list
I am very disappointed at the omission of two very endearing names used to address he who has been deemed Lord Baldemort (cite Jason's genious on "lord...")
1. Hollywood - Chris has (or used to have) this name for Tom in his phone I believe due to a teeth whitening incident and an extreme knowledge of Hollywood Lifestyles
2. Bald Chimp - Chris would call Tom this all last summer instead of this summer's fad of "creep."
actually anonymnous hollywood comes from tom's stylin and profilin. especially his wearing of sunglasses even in his sleep
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