Relocating the Troll
As you might know, Red Beard's lease is up next month. He has been thinking about dwelling options and asked me to post his top 3 choices. Please evaluate the locations and let him know what you think. Which looks best and why? He wants you to consider a few things:
- He doesn't have a lot of worldly possessions, but he does have a camper and a stump grinder--actually he has 2 now
- He will soon have an ogre living with him. This ogre is approximately 9'11'' and he anticipates growing another 3 feet by the end of the year. The ogre also melts in the sun
- He likes to bathe in the nude
- He doesn't mind snakes, but he hates spiders
- He can fit into a pillow case
-----Option A ------------Option B--------------Option C-----

No brainer Dad, go with C. you always liked the older look and this has a country side feeling to it but looks nice and sturdy.
I agree with phil. Its the classic troll bridge and its easy to jump out from under it when I come trotting over it. Go with C.
Don't listen to those two know-nothings. You have to go with option A. Option C is so depressing; there aren't even any trees for Red Beard to grind or point out to others when their branches die. Option A is the only way!
I have to agree with the Bearded One on this. Option A is clearly better. First, it has reasonable head space for Gump. I mean, he is a giant. Paul Bunyon aint got nothin on him. What is he, 5'8'' already? That's huge. Second, there are plenty of trees for Red Beard to climb, swing from, and cut down. Third, that stream looks like a good place to get naked in.
Gump has a good point about jumping out from under the bridge. I think the Buzzard would need a catapult to get to the top to scare bridge crossers. Maybe he can build another rope ladder or something.
All of them look good, but I will say go with B. You can swim at night and there will not be as many creatures bothering you, plus you will be closer to civilization allowing the maximum stumps to be done.
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