The Next Great American Super Hero
The Hairaiser

Don Prickles:
Bio: He is an agoraphobic living in Hovel Hideaway (A run-down motel that features individual hovels for long term guests). He has two friends who support him and bring him food and company. They try to get him out by setting up blind dates that always end in disaster. The only way he will go out is with his teddy bear for support. He is an online film critic, which gives him a substantial income. He will also go out if he dresses up in a costume and performs stand up. His alter-alter ego for stand up is the Cheeseball. He delivers cheesy one-liners that always bomb.
Bio: He is an agoraphobic living in Hovel Hideaway (A run-down motel that features individual hovels for long term guests). He has two friends who support him and bring him food and company. They try to get him out by setting up blind dates that always end in disaster. The only way he will go out is with his teddy bear for support. He is an online film critic, which gives him a substantial income. He will also go out if he dresses up in a costume and performs stand up. His alter-alter ego for stand up is the Cheeseball. He delivers cheesy one-liners that always bomb.
Recap: Agoraphobic, two friends, lives in hovel, can only go out if he has his teddy bear and on a date, does stand up in disguise as the Cheeseball, or fighting crime as The Hairaiser.
Alter-Ego: The Hairaiser:
Bio: His abilities were passed down since the beginning of time. There has always been a Hairaiser to defend the innocent as long as anyone could remember. But, can The Hairaiser still protect the people in the modern age? Where Don Prickles is weak and introverted, The Hairaiser is charming, extraverted, and confident.
Super Powers:
1. Cac Attack: Shoots hardened hair follicles out of his skin resembling cactus spurs. These spurs are slightly poisonous causing his enemies to become weak or pass out.
2. Hair Manipulation: Can use the hair on his body like an appendage. He can use hair collectively or individually depending on how much force is needed. Some examples are making a fist of hair to punch his enemies, creating trip lines, or using hair to swing around. The down side to this is he can only use the hair on his body, so if he loses too much hair he has to wait for it to grow back to have full strength.
3. Red Hot Hair Attack: When extremely angry his hair becomes red and hot causing severe burns on his enemies. Down side - his hair also becomes red and hot when he is blushing (Another reason dates don’t work out)
4. The Hair Ball: This is his most powerful power. He can throw balls of hair to consume his enemies or just a small hair ball to choke them. The price for this is that once the hair leaves his body it dies within minutes and is gone forever causing him to be in a weakened state until more hair grows.
5. Side Kicks: He hosts legions of fleas in his hair, but they only follow his commands if it is in their best interest or if he bribes them with treats. He is the only one that can hear them and they often are distracting especially on dates where they say inappropriate things.
1. Vixens: These women usually working with the enemy have certain attributes that The Hairaiser is blinded and distracted by. These women use their attributes to lure him into ambushes.
2. Hair Remover: Anything that removes hair - fire, Nair, scissors, razors, etc.
Enemies: Peter the Pie Man (More Coming Soon)
Friends: He is part of The International League of Super Hero’s. (More Coming Soon)
1. Cac Attack: Shoots hardened hair follicles out of his skin resembling cactus spurs. These spurs are slightly poisonous causing his enemies to become weak or pass out.
2. Hair Manipulation: Can use the hair on his body like an appendage. He can use hair collectively or individually depending on how much force is needed. Some examples are making a fist of hair to punch his enemies, creating trip lines, or using hair to swing around. The down side to this is he can only use the hair on his body, so if he loses too much hair he has to wait for it to grow back to have full strength.
3. Red Hot Hair Attack: When extremely angry his hair becomes red and hot causing severe burns on his enemies. Down side - his hair also becomes red and hot when he is blushing (Another reason dates don’t work out)
4. The Hair Ball: This is his most powerful power. He can throw balls of hair to consume his enemies or just a small hair ball to choke them. The price for this is that once the hair leaves his body it dies within minutes and is gone forever causing him to be in a weakened state until more hair grows.
5. Side Kicks: He hosts legions of fleas in his hair, but they only follow his commands if it is in their best interest or if he bribes them with treats. He is the only one that can hear them and they often are distracting especially on dates where they say inappropriate things.
1. Vixens: These women usually working with the enemy have certain attributes that The Hairaiser is blinded and distracted by. These women use their attributes to lure him into ambushes.
2. Hair Remover: Anything that removes hair - fire, Nair, scissors, razors, etc.
Enemies: Peter the Pie Man (More Coming Soon)
Friends: He is part of The International League of Super Hero’s. (More Coming Soon)
what attachment?
What are these attributes that the girls possess? Do tell. When can we expect another entry
I like this Pete who's next.
Hmm...I think I may be able to provide a little insight on the attributes these girls possess....
-Juicealicious Maximus
good to see tom is still captain creep
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