What's in a name continued...
So, I was thinking about what Pete said about the meaning of names, and I started wondering about our pre-Earth life names. We must have had names--we would have to be called something, and I doubt I was destined to be Brittany. So, I asked Ryan, "Do you think we keep our Earthly names when we die or do we go back to our pre-mortal life names?" The more I thought about it, I remembered that Adam (you know--from Adam and Eve) is his Earth name, but when stories are told about him when he was in the pre-mortal world, they called him Michael. Ryan said he is now more commonly referred to as Adam and not Michael. I guess that means we will be known by our Earth names forever. Sorry Jason Sid. What do you guys think? Has anyone heard anything about this?
Interesting. Maybe our pre earth life names would not resemble any earthly names because we spoke a Heavenly language (Adamic)? In english my pre earth life name was probably Big Daddy Cool.
Very interesting. I will do research and report back.
In the scriptures Adam is sometimes referred to by Michael for future assignments leaving me to wonder if we can use the names interchangeably. i wonder if we all had different names then or if some overlapped just like they do now.
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