Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How to identify a creep

On the donkey's blog there is a poll to designate the official creep. There are a couple of problems with the poll, the biggest is that the donkey himself is not included. The second problem is that some people may not understand how to properly identify a creep. If saying outrageously inappropriate things was the only consideration then I think we all know who would win. But when considering the word creep an image comes to mind, scraggly, shady, unkempt, and as weird al once said an eddie veder like wild eyed stare. I like to think of it this way, if you put all the candidates in a line-up and brought in a random person that doesn't know any of them and said, one of these people was apprehended skulking around the alley who do you think it was. That is how to identify a creep. Given this description there is really only one choice. You've played where's waldo, here's a game called where's the creep?


Anonymous said...

I think it's the rather large fellow in the back. He's got a wild eyed stare, as if eyes looking to ravage a box of twinkies or something.

The Donkey said...

Before you make judgment, you should make the picture bigger by clicking on it. You will quickly see what appears to be a major creep. Look at that dirty scruff. Look at that matted down hair trying to protect the baldness. Look at the dazed and confused creepy look. Most disturbing of all, look at his arms. He has 3. Last year he had an additional arm surgically installed so he could strategically paw women from any angle. Lindsey is clearly disturbed and Quin is getting a little more than she bargained for. This is clearly the Official Creep of the family. Need we provide any more evidence?

Anonymous said...

Wow - this has to be the best picture ever - I see 3 creepy things going on!
Non-creepy Pete sure does look like Wolverine in this photo, no?

phillyz said...

3 creepy things? Tom is probably involved in all 3

Anonymous said...

I am still unsure why everyone is ganging up on Tom, but I will admit he looks a little deranged, but still pretty good. Chris has looked the same for a long time. The little kids got so big, I could hardly recognize Danny. phil sure filled out! How old is this photo?