Monday, January 21, 2008

Mustachio Perfecto

Who's in a for a mustache growing contents? I am not allowed to have a beard, but I can grow a mustache. I have a two week break starting this Friday. I will grow my beard for three weeks and then post a picture on the website. If anyone else wants in grow a mustache and post a picture and then we will have a vote on who has the best mustache.
1. You can only grow it for three weeks.
2. You must name your mustache.
3. You must post the picture by February 17th.
4. All are invited.
Criteria for voting: You vote on what mustache you think is the most awesome your reasons are your own. You might want to think about what mustache deserves the title Mustachio Perfecto to help guide you in your voting.
Good Luck!

The incredable Mr. Wrinkles

This video re-enactment has been years in the works. I wanted to make sure I got it exact so it took me years of waiting on several eye witnesses to return from out of state and country to verify the events as they actually took place. I regret that there is one inaccuracy, the ties I used are not the exact pattern as the ones worn by the participants at the time it occured, but the color schemes are a match. Chris is playing the role of Mike, Tom is playing Matt G from church and I am playing Jason. This event took place in the EB chapel in between sunday school classes in the hall. This is actuall how it went down.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


If you have skype can you post your account, so I can call you and I can also instant message you. I will try to sign on while I am at school, because I tend to have long periods where I am not busy.
My account is celine.clark
If you don't have skype just go to and you can down load it for free.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Family Reunion 2009

I just don't want anyone to forget that we are still planning on having a Clark's family reunion the summer of 2009.
I assume we will have it in Utah now that Phil has moved out there. I think it would be a better location anyway.
Could a few people scout out locations and get an idea of where we should have the reunion. I think everyone still wants to do it at a cabin like place in a wooded area next to water and some other activities.
We also still need to figure out a budget and how we are going to pay.
I know it is still a year and a half away, but I was hoping on getting more finalized plans by this summer or early fall, so everyone can better prepared.