Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's The Dilly O

Why haven't more people put up blogs and responded to them? I'm out of the loop. Anywya for Celines view of our experience here you can check out her blog and you can also see pictures there. There is a link on this blog in the side bar for our blog. The expeience has been great so far we don't actually start to teach until next week. For those of you who plan to come and visit it will be worth the trip, but check with Celine's blog to see when we have vacation and we will try and ge a rough idea of when and were we will be vacationing. We are not going to travel every break we have, so if you want a cheaper expeirence you can come paryt when we will be hanging around our house and we can take occasional trip around Turkey, but if you want to totally go crazy here are some ideas that Celine and I are working on for vacation, Egypt, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Damascus, Jerusalem, and maybe Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, and India. Over the two years we will probably hit most of these places either togethar or seperate and we weill travel a lot in Turkey. We will probably stay in more of the citites when we visit most of the countries. More info to come in vacations in the next few weeks. Don't forget about the Clark family reunion.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Your input is requested

Nan has been harassing me to buy her a Treo. This is like a phone, but it has email and PDA capabilities. I think it is pretty expensive: $300 for the phone and $63/month for the plan. That's over $750/year! I know it sounds crazy, but she has some justifications. Please read her argument and cast your vote on my blog.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hey stupid family!!!

Saturday there is what we locals call a swap meet. At this event you can buy a ton of local junk for incredibly cheap. EX: I bought a coconut bra for $3 when their usually $15. Im going to be buying all of you freaks something seeing as this is a steal of a deal, I very well can't buy some people stuff and not others, so ill be getting siblings, parents, inlaws and nephews crap. Text, email or comment me what you would like or else you might get stuck with something you dont like. shut up im rich now i can do whatever i want
shirt, hat, sandles, swimsuit, hawaiin made jewlery, macadamia nuts, candy, (sorry no fruit can't mail it it's illegal)shells, skirt, nick nacks, lays, towels, purses, ties, journals, photo albums, collectable crap, lava lavas, ukeles, name plates. If you dont respond in the next couple of days.. I WILL BE FURIOUS.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I wrote my story on my own page so it wouldn't take up a ton of room on the clarks page....i would just call all you freaks to tell you of the past week, but there's way too many of you people

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Celine got this all wrong. We weren't sacrificing him, we were merely performing a cannibalistic ritual.